Adjusting the Throttle Position Sensor on my 300zx/Z32

My 300zx is equipped with an automatic transmission (hey, I know… sticks are better… but I’ve driven sticks my whole life and wanted an auto), and the Wasp’s shifting has been odd to say the least.  Shifting occurs late and hard.  Looking into what could be the problem, I ran across information on adjusting the throttle position sensor (TPS).

As the name suggests, the sensor senses the position of the butterfly valve in the throttle body.  Seems a slightly mis-adjusted sensor could cause poor shifting characteristics and other issues like a hesitation at take off (which my 300zx also had).

The adjustment is very easy, and takes less than 10 minutes.  Here is a decent video detailing how to make the adjustment.

Also, you should clean the throttle body before you make the adjustment to ensure that the throttle body is fully closed when making the adjustment.  Here is a link describing that process too –



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  1. internet — September 3, 2014 @ 10:22 am

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