Restoring my Z32/300zx… steps so far!

So, I’ve had my Z32 for about 4 months now.  She has been a royal PAIN IN THE A$$… but I love her.  I think she is “the One!”

When I started this blog, I thought I’d share my experiences, but so far I haven’t gotten the habit of blogging.  I will try to do better, but for now here is a quick run down of the fixes I’ve made so far.

Exhaust.  When I bought her, some previous owner had put on an after market noise maker exhaust equipped with 3.5 inch melon launcher tips.  Now I’m sure their was some increase in performance, but the noise was stupid loud!!!  I found a used factory exhaust on Craigslist and have installed that.  She still has a nice “rumble” to her, but it doesn’t vibrate peoples houses when I drive by.

I’ve changed the timing belt (and associated preventative maintenance that goes with a timing belt change… water pump, seals, etc.)  I had someone do this for me, and it was NOT cheap.  I now know I could have done it myself and saved a ton of money, but when I first got her I was pretty taken back by her engine.

I’ve replaced the worn out cloth seats with some not nearly as worn out leather seats, again a Craigslist find.  Since my old seat was not electric, I had to splice into my cigarette lighter to power the seat.

I’ve replaced the O2 sensors and would never wish that task on my worst enemy.  Without taking out the engine, it is pretty hard to do.  I recommend you have thin arms as my meat hooks took quite a beating trying to get those mothers out!

I found a hole in the rear wheel well that was letting in a LOT of exhaust.  I’ve temporarily fixed this problem, and am SOOO much happier.

So at this point, I’ve gotten her in good running order.  The exhaust still smells bad which I suspect is the result of 23 year old catalysts.

But at this point… I wouldn’t trade her for anything!!!

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