Installing the Catalytic Converters Part 2

So the parts came in.  They look pretty good, but the weld where the EGR attaches isn’t very good looking, but they do look like they won’t leak.


I pulled the car up on my ramps, but there still wasn’t quite enough room to crawl under, so I also jacked up the rear of the side I was working on.  This gave me enough room to get to the nuts on the flange for the cats and the exhaust manifold.


I had sprayed the nuts with Pb Blaster but hadn’t let them sit too long.  I decided I wanted to see if by chance they would come off easily.  Well, they didn’t come off easy, but they sure did break off easily.  After breaking one of the studs, I decided to just break them all off (on that side) so I could get the old cat out.


At this point I have decided to wait for the weekend to get after it some more.  Tomorrow I’ll get some drill bits and a stud extractor.  I’d better go spray the other side with some more Pb Blaster.  Hope to not break any of those off!


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  1. » Repairing Exhaust Leak on my 300zx — December 24, 2013 @ 3:04 am

  2. » Replacing the Catalytic Converters on my Z32/300zx — January 10, 2014 @ 3:21 pm

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